It is quite common incident all over the world that students who were considered the best often do not
perform that well later in their lives.
What is the cause of this? There are numerous factors behind it and every individual's situation is unique.
But still there are common pointers which I am going to discuss here.
First, school does not teach us how to choose between multiple options!
In academic world, usually most questions have one correct solution. However, in real world, most situations
have multiple outcomes. Depending on what route you choose, the outcomes can be vastly difference. For
example, you are working in India IT. You are getting a 6 month onsite opportunity (which may or may not
extend) in current company but also you got offer in another company in your town which offers no onsite but
promises 50% more salary. Which one will you choose?
Second, schools do not teach about money!
Yes, we do learn compound interest and cryptic formulas about finance. However, it does not teach us how to
handle money in real life. It does not impart the knowledge of how to invest in stocks and businesses. Nor
it teaches how to startup your own business and what problems you might face (well, you do get this in your
syllabus if you study MBA though). This missing knowledge is very valueable in real life.
Third, schools do not not teach how to deal with people!
In real life, people often deal with people. This is a very useful skill as whatever be your profession, you
will invariably dealing with lots of people. You need to know how to go well along with team members, your
boss, your spouse, your family, your relatives etc. You need to know how to satisfy some of their egos.
Sadly, this skill is often difficult to achive by experience and in the meantime you may upset many people
which might cost your business, job, relationship etc.
Fourth, schools do not teach you to spot opportunity!
In schools, you only take action when exam comes :) In real life, you need to take action often depending on your circumstances. If you fail to take action when opportunity arises, you lose a chance of going up on career ladder.